(continued from Periodic Processes/Index)

A/R—Agent Commission

This process is used to generate cheques or EFT commission payments to agents.

This process is not used where agent commission is deducted from a booking invoice. It is only used where the gross payment for the booking is received, and a commission payment is made to the agent as a separate transaction.

Screen Shot 3: Booking Accounts Summary–Commission by Cheque Example

The above screen shot shows a booking accounts summary with the Total Due being a credit balance. This is because the invoice value is the nett booking amount (1979.00 less commission 98.95 = nett 1880.05), but the receipt value is for the gross amount (1979.00).

When the Account/Agent Commission process is run, provided other selection criteria are met, this booking will be selected to be included in a commission payment cheque run.

It is recommended that, if possible, an agent analysis code be used to identify agents who receive commission payments this way. This will make easier the selection of bookings that qualify for commission cheques, without having to filter through other bookings which may be in the same overpaid state, but for different reasons.

(continued in Filter)